BASIC RESEARCH Selected Publications
- Years 1990 - 1999
* Baigorí, Grau et al., 1991
Isolation and Characterization of Bacillus Subtilis Mutants Blocked in the Synthesis of Pantothenic Acid * Roberto Grau, Diego de Mendoza et al., 1993
Regulation of the synthesis of unsaturated fatty acids by growth temperature in Bacillus subtilis * Roberto Grau, Daniela Gardiol, Gerardo Claudio Glikin, Diego de Mendoza et al., 1994
DNA supercoiling and thermal regulation of unsaturated fatty acid synthesis in Bacillus subtilis * Roberto/Grau, et al., 1997
A Nobel Histidine Kanase Inhibitor Regulating Development in Basillus Subtilis * Schujman, Grau et al., 1998
De Novo Fatty Acid Synthesis is requerid for Establishment of Cell Type-Specific gene Transcription during Sporulation in Basillus Subtilis
- Years 2000 - 2009
* Jiang, Grau et al., 2000
Differential Processing of Propeptide Inhibitor of Rap Phosphatases in Basillus Subtilis * Diaz Ricci, Grau, Limansky, De Mendoza et al, 2000
Environmental Biochemistry - A New Approach for Teaching the Cycles of the Elements * Roberto R. Grau, Adriana S Limansky, Juan C Diaz Ricci and Diez de Mendoza et al, 2000
The Windogradsky Column: A Simple and Inexpensive Approach to Teach Environmental Biochemistry * Arabolaza, Grau et al., 2003
Characterization of a novel inhibitory feedback of the anti-anti-sigma SpoIIAA on Spo0A activation
during development in Bacillus subtilis * Balagué, Grau et al., 2003
Effect of Ciproflaxacin on Adhesive Properties of Non-P Mannose-Resistant Uropathogenic Escherichia
Coli Isolates * Mendez, Grau et al., 2004
Novel Roles of the Master Transcription Factors Spo0A and sigma;B
for Survival and Sporulation of Bacillus subtilis at Low Growth Temperature * I-Hsiu Huang, Grau et al., 2004
Disruption of the gene (spo0A) encoding sporulation transcription factor blocks endospore
formation and enterotoxin production in enterotoxigenic Clostridium perfringens type A * Gottig, Grau et al., 2005
The Bacillus subtilis SinR and RapA Developmental Regulators Are Responsible for
Inhibition of Spore Development by Alcohol * Lombardia, Grau et al., 2006
A LuxS-Dependent Cell-to-Cell Language Regulates Social Behavior and Development in Bacillus subtilis * Philippe, Grau et al., 2006
Inorganic Phosphate Induces Mophogenesis And Enterotoxin Prodution in the Intestinal Pathogen
Clostridium Perfringens * Mendez, Grau et al., 2008
Carbon Catabolite Repression of Type IV Pilus-Dependent Gliding Motility in the Anaerobic Pathogen
Clostridium perfringens
- Years 2010 - 2020
* VidyaLaxma, Grau et al., 2012
Synergistic effects of probiotic Leuconostoc mesenteroides and Bacillus subtilis
in malted ragi(Eleucine corocana) food for antagonistic activity
against V. cholerae and other beneficial properties * Mendez, Grau et al., 2012
Sugar inhibits the production
of the toxins that trigger clostridial gas gangrene * Pedrido, Grau et al., 2013
Spo0A links de novo fatty acid synthesis to
sporulation and biofilm development in Bacillus subtilis * Roldán, de Oña, Grau et al.,2014
Photocatalytic and biocidal activities of novel
coating systems of mesoporous and dense TiO2-anatase
containing silver nanoparticles * Grau et al., 2015
A Duo of Potassium-Responsive Histidine Kinases Govern the Multicellular
Destiny of Basillus Subtilis * Cogliati, Grau et al., 2016
Bacterial Spores and its Relatives as Agents of Mass Destruction * Perez, Grau et al., 2016
Esporas de Bacillus subtilis como adyuvantes de vacunas * Rodriguez Ayala, Grau et al. 2017
Probiotic Basillus Subtilis, Lifespan and Helathy Longevity * Rodriguez Ayala, Grau et al. 2017
Microbial flora, probiotics, Bacillus subtilisand
the search for a long and healthy human longevity * Rodriguez Ayala, Grau et al. 2017
Transcriptional regulation of adhesive properties of Bacillus subtilis * Rodriguez Ayala, Grau et al. 2017
Bioprotocol Bacterial Gut Colonization * Rodriguez Ayala, Grau et al. 2017
Bioprotocol NO and CSF * Kovács, Grau et al. 2017
Surfing and sliding bacteria * Bartolini, Grau et al. - 2018
Biofilms y Sigma B * Cogliati, Grau et al., 2019
Microbiocidal CuNP * Bartolini, Grau R et al. 2019
Sigma B and Fungal Biocontrol.* Diabetes y probióticos - Cardinali N, Grau R et al, 2020
* Healthy aging and probiotics - Rodriguez Ayala F, Grau R et al, 2021